Winter 1998

Continuing a Tradition - Sari

"When I am gone, they'll say he was right, I'm fifty years ahead of my time."

- Joseph Pilates

Joseph Pilates predicted Authentic Pilates™T would continue to gain recognition beyond his lifetime. Dedicated to an ongoing legacy, Master Trainers, Romana Kryzanowska and her daughter, Sari M. Pace, continue to teach this highly specialized technique of body conditioning in the original form developed by Joseph Pilates. Representing the second generation to continue this tradition, Sari was first introduced to the Method as a young girl by her mother. Living in Peru with her family, Sari's childhood was interrupted by complications from a childhood disease requiring foot and tendon surgery.

Joseph Pilates

Unable to walk for 6 months and dependent upon being carried, her foot and leg muscles suffered from atrophy and there was concern over her ever being able to walk again. As she began to recover from her surgery, arrangements were made by Romana for Sari to begin having foot and leg massage therapies that proved to be very beneficial. Gradually, as she was recovering, Romana introduced more movement exercises and within time Sari began to walk with greater ease and ability.

Eventually she began to learn the Mat system from Romana and began taking dance classes. In the months that followed, Sari became an avid dancer and began to play soccer, later joining a team and playing competitively, completely overcoming the complications of the past.

With her new strength and ability for dance, Sari began training for more advanced work in classical ballet. Later, in her teens, Sari's family returned to New York where she auditioned and was accepted into the School of American Ballet in Manhattan. This training prepared her further and she began to perform with various dance companies as a soloist, developing choreography skills.

Sari M. Pace

Along the way, she began to perform and choreograph works for the Amato Dance Company, Goldovsky Opera Company, and several other dance and opera companies in Manhattan, Long Island and New Jersey. During this time, she became more involved with Authentic Pilates™T and joined her mother, along with Joseph and Clara Pilates at the first Pilates studio located at 939 Eighth Avenue, assisting between dance seasons. In the early 70's, choreography projects in Europe provided an opportunity for her to relocate for several years.

While there, she participated in dance and choreography productions for state opera companies throughout Europe before returning to the United States Upon her return, she resumed assisting and graduated to teaching at the Pilates Studio, working closely with Romana, Joseph and Clara. Sari has since become a Master Instructor and Certifying Teacher teaching at studios and certifying centers around the country. Like her mother, she is highly regarded for the invaluable experience and knowledge she brings to her teaching and her contribution to continuing the legacy established by Joseph Pilates.


The Pilates Studio®
2121 Broadway, Suite 201
New York, NY, 10023-1786
Tel.: (800) 474-5283 • (888) 474-5283 • (212) 875-0189
Fax.: (212) 769-2368
In Santa Fe, call (505) 989-1700 • In Sacramento, call (916) 454-0165